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Good-hearted bottle caps

‘Good-hearted bottle caps’ is a social & eco project, which has been initiated to

support two main objectives: make our world a cleaner place, and help pediatric patients. This project was launched jointly by the Social Movement “Good-hearted bottle caps” and the Charity Fund “Volunteers helping orphaned children”.

How does it work: the plastic bottle caps are collected in different places, and then forwarded to the several main warehouses. After a significant amount of bottle caps is collected, they are transferred to a plastic recycling plant. The plant weighs the bottle caps, and transfers the respective funds to the Charity Fund “Volunteers helping orphaned children”. The Charity Fund then uses these funds to buy specialized devices for the orphaned special needs children.

Although it seems to be a very simple act – not to throw away a bottle cap, but to wash and keep it for recycling – it’s payback is huge. For example, in 2016 414 tonnes of bottle caps were collected, which resulted in 8,945,000 Rubles (around 120,900 USD).

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